Free Kite Craftivity!

Morning everybody!
I was busy last night making a cute little kite craftivity that I am going to use for a beginning of the year bulletin board! It started off as "Flying into First", but I also added "Kiting into Kinder" and "Soaring into Second" so others could use it too!

I'm no Teri, over at A Cupcake for the Teacher... but I think it came out pretty cute!
It also works for the end of the year & I added writing prompt ideas for both the beginning and the end of the year! It is in my TpT store for free, if you'd like your own copy!! Let me know what you think!

Have a great weekend :)


1 comment

  1. I love this! We have a story in our basal called The Kite and it would be perfect for that, I just need to change the writing portion. Thank you so much for the freebie!

    Faithful in First


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