Sad news...

My dear bloggy friends,

I have some sad news.

Our district is having budget "issues" and to make a long, long, long story short, they have just implemented a RIF (reduction in force).

Here in Las Vegas the RIF is based solely on seniority and because I started in October 2010.... I was about #1,000 from the bottom.

On Monday, my first day of summer, we heard about 400 teachers would be receiving their pink slip. I went to the gym thinking I was A-okay... but when I returned an hour later (ok, really about 35 minutes later) I had a missed call and voice mail from my principal.

I received a pink slip :(

Not this cute kind either...
... oh no.... it was this kind...
I am pretty devastated because I love my school and my firsties, but I am hopeful! I have the best principal and she is doing everything in her power to keep me, but only time will tell!

On a different note, the ABC Action News from Las Vegas wanted to do a quick interview with me today and I was nerrrrrvous! The last time I as on TV was for Wheel of Fortune, but I was pretty darn good at that game. Talking to a news journalist with a microphone and a big camera in your face is pretty awkward.

They have a clip here:

Side note: it is very strange to hear your voice on TV... I don't think I really sound like that!

How do they so layoffs in your neck of the woods?!?

Give me all your good thoughts this summer as I try to find a position for this upcoming Fall!!



  1. I am so sorry to hear that! That is awful and something that I would not wish on anyone. I wish you good luck in the future and will be saying a prayer for you and your family!


  2. My bloggy friends.. you are all so sweet!! Thank you for all your kind words, they mean so much to me :) Happy thoughts, happy thoughts....

  3. Oh no! I'm so sorry that this is happening to such great teachers as your self. You will be ok and things will work out the way they are meant to. I'm sure you will find a great position in an awesome school!
    Mrs. Sheehan

  4. So sorry! Wishing you much luck in finding a position for the new year. Please keep us posted!


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