Drumroll Pleaseeeee & BTS Jitters!

Thank you to everyone who joined our *SWEET* giveaway over the weekend!
Congrats, Karyn!!!!
An email will be sent shortly :)

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Seeing as in-service starts Wednesday and I meet my kiddos Friday, I thought I would join up with A Turn to Learn and share my back-to-school jitters!
Back to School Jitters Linky Party

I swear, the second I see my kiddos adorable faces, I am put at ease. I remember why I love teaching and I get SO excited for the year to come!

Every year I get nervous about meeting all my students' individual needs. SO many students, so many standards, I sometimes wonder "HOW is this going to happen?!?" At the end of each day I just need to remind myself that I did the best I can and hope I taught my students to do the same.

I am soooo loving that I am officially a *super-cool* teacher/blogger this year!! I have an entire techy-world of knowledge and expertise right at my fingertips!! Hopefully, I can provide some knowledge and expertise to others too :)

Ahhh.... sleep.... how fond I have become of you this summer.
Between teaching, blogging, and wedding planning I have plenty of reasons to not get my beauty sleep. I think I will implement a "curfew" of sorts for myself when I will unplug each night and spend time with Parker before retiring to bed.... I (think) I will do this....

Link up and let me know how you're feeling about going back to school!!
Don't forget to comment on the 2 blogs in front of you!


  1. Hi Susan!
    Yes, sleep is good..I've been staying up late all summer so I have to get back in the habit of going to bed early.


    1. I knowwww, I hate it!! I actually like getting up early... bur once I get into the habit of sleeping in, it is SO hard for me to break!

      Thanks for stopping by Sarah!

  2. Just found your blog in the Jitters Linky Party - I'm a brand new blogger, and have also been staying up WAY too late all summer, so I have to remember to sleep, AND wake up!!!
    Have a great year!


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