Numbers to 120 unit is up!

 Ladies and gents - the Back to School SALE is here!! I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin' to let everyone know my entire store will be 20% off August 12-13 and you can get an extra 10% off with the code BTS12!

Right in time for the sale I have finished my newest unit:
 This unit focuses primarily on number recognition and the Common Core standard 1.NBT.1. There are tons of activities using number cards, spinners, 120 charts, 10s and 20s frames, etc. There are also 3 different assessments included to use throughout the unit.

 Here are some highlights:
6 different spin n' graph activities for students to begin identifying numbers between 1-120. The different versions, allow for plenty of differentiation!
Number cards, tens-frames cards, and 120 charts with over 10 different activities for students!

One of my favorite activities are 120 chart puzzles!
120 charts are cutup into puzzle pieces and students try to put them back together.

Lastly, there are 3 different assessments to use throughout this unit. {example below}

Click on the cover image above or {here} to be magically transported to my store if you'd like to see more!

I am very excited about this unit and I think it will be a HUGE help at the beginning of the year to start my firsties off right :)

Now I'm off to Blog Hoppin' to see how many more items I can fit in my cart (17 and counting...) Ahhh!

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