I'm Late!!!!!

I already have 7 recipes for my What's Cookin' Good Lookin'?!? linky party.

If you have a DEEEEE-licious recipe go join up so I can see it and try it!
 My list of "go-to" recipes is short and has been on repeat for far too long, so lemme see what you've got!

Onto other news...

I am about 3821908 days behind on saying THANK YOU to all these fantabulous bloggers for giving me the Versatile Blogger& the One Lovely Blog award:


lacy's Letters
Primary Possibilities    ButtonMrsStanfordsClass Look Whos Teaching
Falling into FirstKindergarten Schmindergarten

 Mrs. Bartel's School Family 

Yikes! I think that is all :) See... I told you I was VERY far behind!
I am also pretty sure at this point everyone already has these awards so I don't know who else to pass them on to?!? I love ALL my fellow bloggers and I seriously find more and more to add to my blogroll every day!

The Versatile Blogger Award requires 7 random facts AND the amazing, Mrs. Lemons, from Step into 2nd Grade is having the perfect linky party for this! She wants to know more about us!
So here I go... letting loose and letting you know some things about me!

 For anyone who hasn't wandered on over to the About Me section of my page, my go-to "fun fact" about me is I was on the Wheel of Fortune!! Wahoo! I loved that show from the age of 7 and when I turned 18 I applied online... 2 years later they called me to come audition... and after a RIGOROUS (seriously, it was hard) audition process, I MADE IT & it was for Celebrity week - so cool! My partner was Jeff Probst (the host of Survivor). Oh, and I won $6100!

My wonderful fiance, Parker, and I met in college during our Public Speaking class. On the first day of class our professor made each of us stand up and talk about ourselves for 30 seconds. Based on those 30 sec. speeches he paired up students who he thought would work well together for our first project. Well.. little did he know our match up was just perfect :) A few weeks later we were dating, and almost 6 years after that we will be getting married! And our professor is invited to the wedding!

I prefer ridiculous pictures to normal...*pretty* pictures


People have always told me I look like Francine from Arthur. Compliment?

 I am the oldest of 4! These are my two "little" sisters who I love!
Weezil on the left, me in the middle, and Tina on the right.

Yes... we call my littlest sister Weezil.

I am the SHORTEST by far in my family of giants.
The dad & bro are both 6'5"
Mom & sister Tina: 5'10"
Weezil: 5'8" and a half... and still growing
Me: 5'6" and HAPPY about it!

Me and tall broski

I am getting married to the sweetest, kindest, cutest man in the whole world, Mr. Parker Lloyd Jones on September 20, 2013. We will be getting married at Danversport Yacht Club in Massachusetts with about 80 of our closest friends and family. We picked the date for 2 reasons. First, I always knew I wanted a Fall wedding in Massachusetts and Second, it is the day before my mom and dad's anniversary and they are about to celebrate 27 years of marriage! This has to be goodluck to our own marriage, right?!?

My beautious canary diamond!

Now click on Amy's button and let me know about YOU!


  1. So sorry about your linky...i just can't cook! It was fun learning more about you, and that ring is GORGEOUS!!

    1. No worries, I still got 3 awesome new recipes :) and thanks!! I love it

  2. Susan, that is so cool you were on the Wheel of Fortune!! What a neat experience that must have been! I used to love that show as a child too...my mom says it was because of all the bright colors and the spinning wheel though. :)

  3. Absolutely beautiful ring. Congratulations!!!!

  4. Thanks Tammy! He was the 2nd most popular "celebrity" there. Neil Patrick Harris took the cake on that one.

  5. Hi Susan! Thanks for following! Not only are we both first grade teachers, we're both engaged! Woo hoo! :) I plan on prepping my babies for a name change early. Your ring is gorgeous...love it! :)

  6. I love your ring! Thanks for joining my giveaway! I will email you soon! I think I may join the Cookin Linky!
    Brigid's Daily Lesson Log

  7. Lol I love those pictures too! They are way more fun!

  8. Congrats on your engagement!!! Your ring is BEAUTIFUL!!! I am joining your linky as well as this linky:) Yours will be up on Tuesday!!

    1...2...3...Teach With Me

  9. Your wedding is just a few days before my anniversary! Fall weddings in New England are beautiful (I live in RI)! Congrats! And your ring is amazing!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  10. Thank you for sharing! I will dig into my files and look for a recipe, but my specialty is fudge and that recipe comes right from the back of Kraft's Marshmellow Creme jar. It is the best !

    1. Kraft Marshmallow Creme... added to the grocery list!

  11. 2 birds... 1 stone! And I can't wait to see your recipe!! I've already made a grocery list to try out my new recipes :)

  12. Congrats on your upcoming wedding! It made me smile a bit because my oldest son is named Parker! Although, at 19 I am not quite ready for him to get married yet! LOL!


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